The meaning of ADULTERATE is to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element; especially : to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients. How to use adulterate in a
The meaning of ADULTERATE is to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element; especially : to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients. How to use adulterate in a
What is the meaning of adulterated food? Food adulteration isthe act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale either by the admixture or substitution of inferior substancesor by the removal of some valuable ingredient. What is the definition of wear out? 1 : tire, exhaust...
2. To corrupt, debase, or make impure by an admixture of a foreign or a baser substance; as, to adulterate food, drink, drugs, coin, etc. The present war has . . . adulterated our tongue with strange words. --Spectator. Syn: To corrupt; defile; debase; contaminate; vitiate; ...
- other food materials and components being adulterated with the chemical melamine, which resulted in kidney stones and other kidney damage in infants. The...- Melamine foam is a foam-like material consisting of a melamine-formaldehyde condensate. It is the active component of a number of ...
The food had been adulterated to increase its weight. synonym zhòng liàng重量qīng zhòng轻重jīn liǎng斤两 2 n.metasignificance; influence nà piān lùn wén méi yǒu duō dà fèn liàng 那篇论文没有多大分量。 That dissertation is of little substance. ...
把发酵用的粉掺进面粉里。 Mix the yeast powder into the flour. zhè zhǒng shí wù bèi chān le jiǎ yǐ zēng jiā qí zhòng liàng 这种食物被掺了假以增加其重量。 The food had been adulterated to increase its weight. jiāng shèng yú de yù mǐ fěn hé táng fěn chān zài yī...
From Project Gutenberg She named the cereal which constituted the only crop to which these marsh lands were suitable. From Project Gutenberg Flour and other cereal foods are sometimes adulterated with some cheap substitutes, as bran or sawdust. From Project Gutenberg ...
And more recently in April, food and drugs control authorities in Gujarat seized more than 60,000kg of adulterated spices - chilli powder, turmeric and coriander power and pickle masala. FromBBC Advertisement add this widget to your site
The meaning of ADULTERATE is to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element; especially : to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients. How to use adulterate in a