The meaning of SAPPHIRE is a gem variety of corundum in transparent or translucent crystals of a color other than red; especially : one of a transparent rich blue.
noun Iu printing, an imposing-stone. noun In glass manufacturing, a fiattening-stone. noun A precious stone; a gem. See precious. noun A small, hard, rounded object resembling a stone or pebble: as, a hail-stone; a gall-stone; an ear-stone. noun The glass of a mirror; a mirror ...
sapphire noun sap·phireˈsaf-ˌī(ə)r 1 :a clear bright blue precious stone 2 :a deep purplish blue sapphireadjective Etymology Middle Englishsafir"sapphire," from early Frenchsafir(same meaning), from Latinsapphirus"sapphire," from Greeksappheiros(same meaning), perhaps of Semitic ...
The name “sapphire” comes from the Latin word “sapphirus” and the Greek word “sappheiros,” both of which mean “blue stone.” September Birthstone History The September birthstone has been treasured for thousands of years, seen as as a symbol of wisdom, virtue, and good fortune. ...
The name Sapphire is primarily a female name of English origin that means Gemstone. Click through to find out more information about the name Sapphire on
The great Oriental traveler, Sir Richard Francis Burton, had a large star sapphire which he referred to as his "talisman,"" for it always brought him good horses and prompt attention wherever he went. Just the mere sight of the stone was believed to bring luck and he showed it to people...
Birthstone Meaning Sapphire Rubies have been prized for their color and beauty for thousands of years. Throughout history, they have been believed to be a stone of protection and guard against evil. It is also considered to give luck to those who wear it. They are considered the birthstone ...
Both types will have a good energy to use for metaphysical purposes. Wearing it may also be beneficial to attract prosperity as it is said to elicit gifts of various sorts. Where Is It From? Meaning Of Sapphire Blue Sapphire is a fairly common stone that is found in a number of locations...
this figure used as an ornament, award, badge, mark of excellence, etc.: The movie was awarded three stars. Jewelry. a gem having thestar cut. the asterism in a crystal or a gemstone, as in astar sapphire. a crystal or a gemstone having such asterism. ...
Sapphire –sapphires help us tap into our intuition and aid in the reduction of inflammation, lowers fevers and stops nosebleeds The sapphire will be a great gemstone jewelry to have around for many, many reasons. Pick Stones For Maximum Benefit When you take a look at the various properties...