The meaning of PRIME NUMBER is any integer other than 0 or ± 1 that is not divisible without remainder by any other integers except ± 1 and ± the integer itself.
prime number• A prime number is a number that is not exactly divisible by any other number.• If not, a different prime number should be selected and the process repeated.Quizzes Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check. Explore topics American football ...
The meaning of PRIME NUMBER is any integer other than 0 or ± 1 that is not divisible without remainder by any other integers except ± 1 and ± the integer itself.
Prime number definition: a positive integer that is not divisible without remainder by any integer except itself and 1, with 1 often excluded. See examples of PRIME NUMBER used in a sentence.
prime number. one of the equal parts into which a unit is primarily divided. the mark (′) indicating such a division: a, a′. Fencing.the first of eight defensive positions. Music. unison(def2). (in a scale) the tonic or keynote. ...
Understand factors of a number and prime factors of a number. Learn how to find the prime factorization of numbers using various methods.
idiom (prime the pump) To encourage the growth or action of something. from The Century Dictionary. noun The golden number: so called because it shows the prime of the moon. noun The grade next below the finest variety of a fleece of merino wool. To occur or come in advance of others...
Demonetization is a drastic intervention into the economy that involves removing the legal tender status of a currency.
The following month, Boris Johnson, a former mayor of London, foreign minister, and editor of The Spectator, was elected prime minister.14 Johnson, a hardline Brexit supporter, campaigned on a platform to leave the EU by the October deadline “do or die” and said he was prepared to ...
The meaning of PRIME is first in rank, authority, or significance : principal. How to use prime in a sentence.