Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. o·nei·ro·man·cy (ō-nī′rə-măn′sē) n. The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of dreams. [Greek oneiros, dream + -mancy.] o·nei′ro·man′cer n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
1 : full of dreams 2 : tending to spend time in dreaming 3 a : suggesting a dream b : being quiet and soothing dreamy music c : delightful, pleasing dreamily -mə-lē adverb dreaminess -mē-nəs noun More from Merriam-Webster on dreamy Nglish: Translation of dreamy ...
a : full of dreams a dreamy night's sleep b : pleasantly abstracted from immediate reality 2 : given to dreaming or fantasy 3a : suggestive of a dream or dreamlike state a dreamy smile dreamy speculation b : quiet and soothing c...
This could also mean that your life is going in the wrong direction. You might be feeling overwhelmed or stressed because of your recent dreams. You can take control of your life and fix what is going wrong in your life. 3. Dreams About Being Naked Having dreams about being naked ...
Even in early time,people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life.Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.If a person has a dream and holds fast to it,he or she will find a way to bring it into reality (现实).Children...
The Most Recent Dreams of 12–13 Year-Old Boys and Girls: A Methodological Contribution to the Study of Dream Content in Teenagers (1996). Finding meaning in dreams:A quantitative approach. New York: Plenum. Domhoff, G. (1999). New directions in the study of dream content using... D ...
The author believes that Freud's interpretation of dreams represents "one of the greatest advances ever made in our knowledge of the human mind and of human motives." He compares the value and importance of dream analysis with the discovery of the origin of species and the theory of evolution...
physical stimulus alone is not responsible for the production of dreams. The dream mechanism is very intricate. The wishes are of an immoral nature. They are revolting to the moral self, which exercises a control on their appearance. Therefore, the wishes appear in disguised forms to evade the...
very intricate. The wishes are of an immoral nature. They are revolting to the moral self, which exercises a control on their appearance. Therefore, the wishes appear in disguised forms to evade the moral censor. Very few dreams present the wishes as they really are. Dreams are the partial...
Indeed, they do dream - or at least some of them did, in an experiment that compared the nighttime mentations of normal, healthy subjects with subjects who suffered from AAD. When awakened fromrapid eye movement(REM) sleep - the sleep stage at which dreams are thought to be most common ...