Production is an act by which the raw materials are processed in such a way that it leads to their value addition. It includes usage of place, machinery, people and acumen. The output generated through it is a contributor in aggregate output of the nation....
In economics, the so-called "marginal revolution" was, in fact, not marginal at all since it fundamentally changed how we think about economic value. Figures like Carl Menger and Alfred Marshall in the latter half of the 19th century shifted economics' focus from the total utility of goods t...
Personnel manager is the head of personnel department. He/She performs both managerial and operative functions of management. His role can be summarized as : Personnel manager provides assistance to top management- The top management are the people who decide and frame the primary policies of the ...
Also, on the nature of public administration there have been two popular views, one being theIntegral viewand the other one is theManagerial view. The Integral view is all encompassing and consists of sum total of all managerial, clerical, technical and manual activities and employees form all ...
Answer to: Briefly explain the meaning of diversification or free riding on information and how they relate market efficiency or failure in the...
of new technology, they need to learn and hone the new skills necessary to be reemployed, a process that can take months or even years. In the coming machine age, given the exponential speed of technological development and its rapidly-expanding scope of application, robots and smart systems ...
Unemployment affects the economy adversely as the productivity falls below the normal level. When there is high rate of unemployment in the country, government has to suffer extra borrowing burden due to decrease in the production and less consumption of goods and services by the people. Not only...
Planning: It is determining in prior to what to do and how to do. It is one of the main managerial duties. Stay tuned to BYJU'S to learn more.
through a set of four distinct but ‘durationally indivisible’ temporal frames: validating identity and values, competence signalling, product/service differentiation, and market and industry visibility; these may operate in combination or serially account for the observed managerial preoccupation with BT...
In the face of numerous complex challenges at the ecological, economic, and social levels, Social Entrepreneurship Organizations (SEOs) offer an approach t