The Fanger's predicted mean vote (PMV) model is used to evaluate thermal comfort. However, when PMV is compared to people's real thermal sensations, collected in field studies, some discrepancies are verified. One of the components for the calculation of PMV is clothing surface temperature (t...
The abbreviation PMV stands for Predicted Mean Vote, which is a quantitative index used to estimate the average thermal sensation that a group of people is likely to experience in a given environment. This measurement is commonly utilized in fields such as environmental science and architecture, par...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook PMV (redirected fromPredicted Mean Vote) Category filter: AcronymDefinition PMVPicture Music Video PMVPony Music Video PMVPrediction Motion Vector PMVPredicted Mean Vote PMVParamyxovirus PMVPartial Molar Volume PMVPrüfmittelverwaltung(German: Test Equipment) ...
The effect on comfort indices-Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), Actual Mean Vote (AMV), Thermal Acceptability Vote (TSA) and Thermal Preference Vote (MCI) are presented. It is observed that even a small difference in Ta and MRT can lead to significant error in determination of thermal comfort. A...
of the output of building systems, the input to a mathematical model to produce a synthetic ’vote’ as output - which could partially explain the lack of more recent research interest to understand and quantify the correlation of mean radiant temperature and air temperature in thermal neutrality....
The Fanger's predicted mean vote (PMV) model is used to evaluate thermal comfort. However, when PMV is compared to people's real thermal sensations, collected in field studies, some discrepancies are verified. One of the components for the calculation of PMV is clothing surface temperature (t...
The predicted mean vote (PMV) model predicts the mean thermal response of a large group of people, according to the ASHRAE thermal sensation scale, and has been proven to agree well with many field studies. However, the model may not predict well the mean response of a small number of ...
This investigation evaluated the association between the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Mizaj based on Persian medicine on thermal comfort of aging in sanatoriums in Mazandaran province in Iran. Methods: This research was accomplished at Rasht Azad University from Jun...
Adaptive thermal comfortThe Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model is extensively used by current thermal comfort standards, such as ASHRAE 55 and ISO 7730, despite its discrepancy in predicting Thermal Sensation (TS). The implicit assumption is that PMV can be applied for predicting TS of a large ...
Thermal adaptabilityAmong the existing thermal environment evaluation indexes, the standard effective temperature (SET) is based on the two-node model and performs better than the predicted mean vote (PMV) in non-neutral environments. However, previous studies show that the mean skin temperature and ...