Characteristics of 10-day meansurface latent heat flux variations in the SCS monsoon regionand possible connections with the SCS summer monsoon onset[J].Acta Meteorologica Sinica,1999,(04):414-425.张耀存,钱永甫.CHARACTERISTICS OF 10-DAY MEAN SURFACE LATENT HEAT FLUX VARIATIONS IN THE SCS MONSOON...
Surface latent heat flux (LHF) is an important component in the heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere. Seasonal mean LHF changes are often interpreted using seasonal mean wind changes. The present study analyzes the high-frequency wind-induced seasonal mean LHF changes. The changes in daily ...
The annual mean values of upward heat transfer due to solar radiation, sensible heat, latent heat and infrared radiation fluxes are 212, 1, 168 and 66 W m2, respectively. Based on the surface inflow and subsurface outflow through the Strait of Hormuz, the annual average heat transport into ...
The long-term, 1961-1990, mean summertime surface energy balance components in Finland were estimated by making use of earlier published studies for the estimation of the global radiation, surface albedo and latent heat flux. The net long-wave radiation was estimated with the help of synoptic clo...
abilityofasimplebulkboundarylayermodel(BBLM)todiagnoseentrainmentvelocity,cumulusmassflux, andsurfacelatentheatfluxfrommonthlymeanreanalysisdata.ThePBLdepthisestimatedfromGeo- scienceLaserAltimeterSystemdata.Themodelisbasedontheconservationequationsformass,total ...
Firstly, the weaker descending velocity leads to an undermined southwesterly surface wind response (Fig. 4a–c) in the central Pacific. These surface wind changes reduce the anomalous surface wind speeds, restricting the surface latent heat flux (Fig. 4d–f), and therefore contributing to the ...
Surface latent and sensible heat fluxes always force GMST-variations, whilst net surface longwave and solar radiation fluxes have a damping effect, implying that natural GMST-variations are caused by oceanic heat redistribution. In the models an important trigger for a hiatus period on decadal ...
It issued as a surface boundary condition to calculate the surface Reynolds stress and the turbulent surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, for example, see Ref. [160–162]. A wide range of studies has employed M-O similarity for considering the effect of the surface roughness in LES (for...
Above 900 mb, profiles of virtual potential temperature show little variation.Analysis of latent and sensible heat fluxes during June 1977 calculated by the bulk aerodynamic method indicates values of latent heat flux during active conditions to be roughly two to three times larger than those during...