The meaning of MEAN SEA LEVEL is sea level.
sea level n (Physical Geography) the level of the surface of the sea with respect to the land, taken to be the mean level between high and low tide, and used as a standard base for measuring heights and depths Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © ...
mean sea level n. The average level of the ocean's surface, calculated as the arithmetical mean of hourly tide levels taken over an extended period and used as the standard for determining terrestrial and atmospheric elevations and ocean depths. ...
The meaning of life according to Simone de Beauvoir - Iseult Gillespie 05:11 The most successful pirate of all time - Dian Murray 05:17 The microbial jungles all over the place (and you) - Scott Chimileski and Robert 05:11 疼痛的神秘科学The mysterious science of pain - Joshua W. ...
The meaning of MEAN RESERVE is the arithmetical average of the initial reserve and the terminal reserve of a policy of insurance.
Paul was aware that the word "gospel" was both familiar and had a pleasantmeaningin Rome, for there were many gospels, i.e. proclamations of gladtidingsat the royal familylevel, which the people of the capital were interested to hear. ...
Meaning is jack in the office. Connecting someone I will put you through, put the room in context. Can you hold that? Can you hold on? How to reply with someone is not available. I'm afraid is not on the level of available at the moment. This line is busy when the extension ...
(NEMO)-Nordic.A simple linear model with only two tunable parameters is found to capture the changes in the return levels extremely well.The response to mean sea level rise is linear and nearly spatially uniform,meaning that a mean sea level rise of 1 m increases the return levels by a ...
However, the team’s analysis showed that ice sheet models do not include sufficient detail on key processes that may lead to significant mass loss under strong warming, meaning sea level rise above the IPCC’s likely range is far more possible than below it. ...
A life filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, what makes a meaningful lifeMany researchers agree that a meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素): having long-term goals, believing that one’s life matters, and feeling that one’s life fits together and...