resultant lengthThe mean resultant length (MRL) is the length of the average of random vectors on the unit circle. It is used to measure the concentration of unimodal circular distributions. The sample MRL, as an estimator for the population MRL, has not been investigated thoroughly yet. This...
The mean resultant length (MRL) is the length of the average of random vectors on the unit circle. It is used to measure the concentration of unimodal circular distributions. The sample MRL, as an estimator for the population MRL, has not been investigated thoroughly yet. This work examines ...
BiasedandUnbiasedEstimationoftheCircularMeanResultantLengthanditsVariance RadeKutil UniversityofSalzburg,DepartmentofComputerSciences,JakobHaringerStr.2,5020Salzburg,Austria (Received28October2008;,nalversionreceived17November2010) Themeanresultantlength(MRL)isthelengthoftheaverageofrandomvectorsontheunitcircleItisused...
resultant lengthTheeanesultant length (MRL) ishe lengthfheveragefandom vectorsnhenitircle. It issedoeasureheoncentrationfnimodalircular distributions.heampleRL,sn estimatororhe populationRL,as noteen investigatedhoroughly yet.his work examinesheias, variancendean-quared error (MSE)fheRL.nbiasedr ...