In this paper we briefly study changes in the mean seasonal insolations on the planet Mars caused by significant large-scale variations in the following orbital elements: the eccentricity ( e ), the obliquity (ε) and the longitude of perihelion (λ p ). Three orbital configurations have been...
Since the general perturbations method usually uses mean orbital elements as arguments, while the osculating elements play the role of initial conditions for predictions, the relation between the osculating and mean elements has to be ... E Wnuk - 《Advances in Space Research》 被引量: 7发表: ...
Mean orbital elements are obtained from osculating ones by removing the short periodic perturbations. Large catalogues of asteroid mean elements need to be computed, as a first step in the computation of proper elements, used to study asteroid families. The algorithms for this purpose available so ...
On the orbital evolution of a pair of giant planets in mean motion resonance.doi:10.1093/mnras/stw1577GAS giantsORBITAL assembly of space vehiclesMEASUREMENT of viscosityCOMMENSURATE-incommensurate transitionsATMOSPHERE of JupiterPairs of extrasolar giant planets in a mean motion commensurability are ...
Previous work has shown that the distributions of orbital elements (eccentricity and semimajor axis) for observed extrasolar planets can be reproduced by migration models with multiple planets. However, these results depend on resonance locking, and this study shows that entry into-and maintenance of...
The investigations were carried out by means of a numerical integration of differential equations, taking into account of the perturbations from major planets (except Pluto) and Moon. For each investigated object an ensemble of 100 test particles with orbital elements nearby those of nominal orbit ...
We have developed a semi-analytical theory based on the concept of filtered elements permitting the exact separation between short period and long period variations of the orbital motion. We have studied this concept and the one associated of mean orbital motion in a more comprehensive way than ha...
Which of the following statements about how halo stars compare to our Sun is not true? a) Most stars in the halo are younger than our Sun. b) Most stars in the halo contain a much lower percentage of heavy elements than our Sun. c) Most stars...
When expanded to the second order in eccentricity and inclination, the equation can be split into two parts and be used to describe separately the time variation of both orbital elements of a dust grain in a MMR. Dust grains in retrograde orbits in MMRs are also discussed. Numerical ...
Composition and formation can become linked as late impacts, associated with accretion, can strip away radiogenic elements, and, as a result, planets that form in similar regions of a solar nebula can start their geologic histories with different internal heat source densities [e.g., O'Neill ...