Functions inR主要分三个部分来讲解函数:编写函数所需的基础知识相关语法作用域R语言作用域的规则编写函数所需的基础知识R语言通过function()指令来命名和创建函数。首先要给函数赋值,也就是命名,然后在小括号中写入参数,最后再大括号中写入函数要执行的语句,其基本语法是:f <- func...
# R program to calculate # Arithmetic mean of a vector # Creating a numeric vector x1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) x2 <-c(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5) x3 <- c(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6) # Calling mean() function mean(x1) mean(x2) mean(x3) 输出: [1] 3.5 [1] 2.85 [...
eqs_ic$candlist[[5]] <- update(eqs_ic$candlist[[5]], Ofunction = "nls") eqs_ic <- update(eqs_ic) 1. 2. 3. 手动选取模型 step1:训练集(样本内预测)、测试集(样本外预测)分割 datasplit <- split_data(list(y = y, x = x, z = z, trend = trend), insample = 1:200, outs...
The mean function applies the weighting scheme to each column in A. Get A = [1 1; 7 9; 1 9; 1 9; 6 2]; W = [1 2 1 2 3]'; M = mean(A,Weights=W) M = 1×2 4.0000 5.7778 Input Arguments collapse all A— Input data vector | matrix | multidimensional array | table |...
The effect of GPR models with the simple mean functions. Theflat(zero-offset) mean function is used in the left panel while the exponentialdecay mean function is used in the right panel 从上面的图中,很容易就可以看出远离training input的test还是逐渐追赶这个所谓的给定mean function的哈!
The result of ReduceMean function applied to src tensor. shape[i] = shapeOf[data](i) for all i that is not in the list of axes from the second input. For dimensions from axes, shape[i] == 1 if keep_dims == True, or i-th dimension is removed from the dst otherwise. ...
This currentIis known as theroot-mean-squarecurrent. There are other situations in engineering and science where we are concerned with determining root-mean-square quantities. The procedure is thus to determine the mean value of the squared function over the required interval and then take the squ...
This task has a CPU usage when packets are sent to the control plane for processing after the NAT ALG function is enabled. FM Fault management task. This task is used to process device alarm and events. SNMP SNMP network protocol processing task. This task is used to process NMS operations...
This task has a CPU usage when packets are sent to the control plane for processing after the NAT ALG function is enabled. FM Fault management task. This task is used to process device alarm and events. SNMP SNMP network protocol processing task. This task i...