MFP, as shown in Figure 21, is a statistical quantity that indicates the average path length taken by sound as it is reflected from one boundary to another. The equation for MFP is: $$ MFP = 4V/S $$ (21.1) where V is the room volume and S is the room boundary area. The ...
The mean free path or the relaxation length is traveled by a neutron between two collisions. The mean free path is divided from the equation for the probability of the first collision in dx.
mean free path Also found in:Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. n (General Physics) the average distance travelled by a particle, atom, etc, between collisions Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
Maxwell's mean free path 麦克斯韦平均自由行程 Maxwell's formula 麦克斯韦公式 Maxwell s law 麦克斯韦定律 Maxwell s theorem 麦克斯韦定理 Maxwell's ring 【医】 麦克斯韦氏环(视野中与视网膜黄斑有关的环) Maxwell's equation 麦克斯威尔 Maxwell's spot 麦克斯韦光斑 maxwell's equations phr. 麦克斯...
A simple model of the electron effective mean free path (MFP) in thin metal films is proposed, and the thermal conductivities of aluminum and copper thin films are calculated by solving the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE). In the modeling of the electron effective MFP, the combined contributi...
The mean free path of electrons (λe) and holes (λh) in a CdZnTe crystal were extracted from measured γ-ray spectra. First, distortion due to Gaussian broadening was unfolded from full-energy peaks in the γ-ray spectra. As a result, only tailing was left in the unfolded peaks. Secon...
Through non-equilibrium Boltzmann Transport Equation models this data can be converted to thermal conductivity accumulation, which describes how thermal conductivity is summed from phonons with different MFPs. Relative to alternative approaches, BB-FDTR yields order-of-magnitude improvements in the ...
mean free path mean lethal dose mean life Mean line mean line of advance Mean noon mean point of burst mean point of impact Mean proportional mean sea level mean solar day mean solar time mean square mean sun mean time mean value
proportional to1/Λ, beingΛthe high-energy scale deforming the kinematics of SR. It can be seen [53] that such a model is an example of what is known asκ-Poincaré kinematics [61]. This example will allow us to deduce the modification of the mean free path in a particularly simple ...
To explain the results, we developed an analytical model assuming non-injecting contacts and equal mean free paths for electrons and holes. The fitting of the equation to the experimental data provided the temperature evolution of the charge transfer state dissociation probability (P) andμτ, ...