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专辑:reputation Stadium Tour Surprise Song Playlist 歌手:Taylor Swift Mean - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特) Lyrics by:Taylor Swift Composed by:Taylor Swift You with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again ...
Written by:Taylor Swift You with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like I'm nothing You with your voice like nails on a chalkboard Calling me out when I'm wounded You picking on the weaker man ...
Mean (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特) Lyrics by:Taylor Swift Composed by:Taylor Swift Produced by:Christopher Rowe/Taylor Swift You with your words like knives你的言语象是尖刀 And swords and weapons that you use against me又像利剑 狠狠地刺进我的身体 You have ...
沪江英乐讯 taylor说过,专辑speak now里的所有歌曲都像是一封公开信,写给特定的人,至于到底写给谁的只能靠歌迷自己意淫猜测喽。能把小才女惹毛成这样,哪个不想混的! Song:Mean Artist:Taylor Swift You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off ...
沪江英乐讯 taylor说过,专辑speak now里的所有歌曲都像是一封公开信,写给特定的人,至于到底写给谁的只能靠歌迷自己意淫猜测喽。能把小才女惹毛成这样,哪个不想混的! Song:Mean Artist:Taylor Swift You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off ...
Future Hit Makers (未来流行乐制作者)、Future Hitmakers Written by:Taylor Swift You with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again Got me feeling like I'm nothing You with your voice like nails on a chalkboard Calling me ...
6楼:Originally posted byseagroveat 2012-06-11 08:28:04 I like it I like it, too~~~...
(宾客们)有趣的手势在不断的变化 And the organ starts to play 风琴也开始弹奏新娘进入教堂的音乐 A song that sounds like a death march 然而对我来说那种声音就像一首死亡进行曲 And I am hiding in the curtains 我小心翼翼的藏在门帘后面 It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-...