YOUJIBEAR/优吉熊 YQMFDG/奥杭 YS YUNSANDA Yellow Knife/黄刀 Youlian/优联 ZAZR ZJLNTEG ZYCN/宗意 anzhou aoscre axtaike baijitun chenggong china debabe ezircon/锐肯 hbkj hd hxdu ibanana jirpet k.J/琨匠 kairuite kamoer keils klcb/苛力 lamp martvsen/马达微森 omiya rby saikang sd shzk star...
Also, DXF rather than a similar format like OXT. Even while many files have similar file extensions, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these formats are connected or that the software supports them. For instance, DXL as well as DXR both run with programs unconnected to a CAD software descr...