(Mathematics) an average value of a set of integers, terms, or quantities, expressed as their sum divided by their number:the arithmetic mean of 3, 4, and 8 is 5. Often shortened to:meanAlso called:averageComparegeometric mean Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editio...
Here’s another way to understand average precision. Wikipedia says AP is used to score document retrieval. You can think of it this way: you type something in Google and it shows you 10 results. It’s probably best if all of them were relevant. If only some are relevant, say five of...
Mean average Mean Average Precision Mean Bearing Grouping Mean Bias Mean Bit Rate mean blade width ratio Mean Blood Flow Velocity mean blood pressure mean blood pressure mean blood pressure mean blood pressure Mean Blood Sugar Levels Mean Body Mass Index mean body temperature Mean Body Weight for ...
Average(redirected from mean value)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to mean value: standard deviation, Mean value theoremAVERAGE. A term used in commerce to signify a contribution made by the owners of the ship, freight and goods...
Embed Harmonic Mean Calculator Widget About Harmonic Mean Calculator The Harmonic Mean Calculator is used to calculate the harmonic mean value of a set of numbers. In mathematics, the harmonic mean is one of several kinds of average. For more information, please refer toWikipedia. ...
ir-evaluation-py.mrr- aPython's implementation, … Counter-Example(s): Discounted Cummulative Gain (DCG). Mean Average Precision (MAP). ListNet. Conversion Rate. See:Harmonic Mean,Multiplicative Inverse,Information Retrieval Task,Discounted Cumulative Gain,Mean Average Precision,Softmax Cross Entropy...
In pursuance of maximum precision of error evaluation the approximation function and its parameters must minimize the root-mean-square deviation of the error values from the approximation function. An expert method is the simplest way to estimate the approximation accuracy in accordance with the root-...
Recently, I wrote about Compound Interest and how the Geometric Mean of multiple interest rates can be used as an ‘average’ rate over multiple time periods. Recapping, to calculate a Geometric Mean, we take the nth root of the product of each of the terms....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook PMV (redirected fromPredicted Mean Vote) Category filter: AcronymDefinition PMVPicture Music Video PMVPony Music Video PMVPrediction Motion Vector PMVPredicted Mean Vote PMVParamyxovirus PMVPartial Molar Volume PMVPrüfmittelverwaltung(German: Test Equipment) ...
the most successful modern experiment in promoting obedience to authority as freedom."However, Wikipedia pales into insignificance compared to the success of liberalism (in its many forms) in doing precisely that. Whether politically or economically, liberalism has always rushed to justify and ...