Individuals were allocated to the control group when they met the eligibility criteria but for personal reasons (i.e., received help with meals from family or friends, perceived themselves to be healthy, or refused assistance) did not want to receive support from MOW. Individuals were free to ...
If you're currently a Medicaid / Medicare recipient, contact your assigned case manager. Your case manager will confirm your eligibility and send an authorization to / MK Meals on your behalf. For more information about government funding for our meals, individuals should contact ...
After a brief eligibility screening by their MoWs case workers and indicated interest, MoWs clients were referred to our study team and contacted by telephone for a full eligibility assessment. Eligible participants endorsed social isolation (6 or greater on the 3-item UCLA Loneliness Scale), but ...
Eligibility was based upon participants’ being over 18 years old, living with a mobility impairment for at least 12 months, being overweight or obese as determined by a body mass index of 22 or greater, and receiving medical clearance from their doctor to participate in a lifestyle ...