1. 数量不同:meal 是指一餐,而 meals 则是指多餐。例句:a. I had a delicious meal at that new restaurant last night.昨晚我在那家新餐厅吃了一顿美味的饭。b. The hotel provides three meals a day for all its guests.酒店为所有客人提供每日三餐。2. 功能不同:meal 通常指主食加...
- The company provides meals delivery service for its employees.(公司为员工提供餐饮外送服务。)3、语法上的区别 - meal作为不可数名词,通常不带冠词,但可以和一些量词连用,如“a bowl of meal”、“a plate of meal”等。- meals作为可数名词,通常带有冠词或数量词,如“two meals a day...
Fernandina Cooking for the Holidays Meals Designed for Needy, LonelyByline: Allison Schaefers, Nassau Neighbors staff writerSchaefers, AllisonMolochnoe I Myasnoe Skotovodstvo
A Kurt and Rit a have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless in Toronto, the biggest city in Canada.They first began to do that in a hot summer because most Canadians were away to enjoy their holidays. Kurt and Rita stayed at home, made some delicious food by themselves, and...
After days of heavy eating during the holidays, I'm ready for some lighter, healthier meals. 假期期间连续几天都吃得很油腻,我想吃点清淡健康的。 每天背五句 1. We always have rich and indulgent meals during the holidays. 假期期间我们总是吃大鱼大肉。
for single mothers and others facing tough times. A video spotted him serving meals behind the counter at the refuge center. City of Refuge Atlanta has been a beacon of hope for many. And Ne-Yo's contribution adds another chapter to its impactful story. However, his involvement in the ...
Still, the focus is always on those they serve. While Thursday marks the last big push ahead of the holidays, the need for volunteers doesn't go away. Those with Meals on Wheels plan to ramp things back up the first week of January....
Sarah Remmer Registered Dietitian and mom shares her tips on how to make holiday meals work for picky eaters.
Eating rich meals for one or two days of the year won't hurt you, but there will be some problems if you can't control (you) over several days, or even weeks. Follow these simple eating tips, and you'll find it much (easy) to make healthy choices on your holidays. ...