meal_order_detail 数据分析 pandas python村上**的猫 上传879KB 文件格式 xlsx python 数据分析 pandas 大数据 数据可视化 以下是使用 Pandas 和 Python 进行 meal_order_detail 数据分析的描述,包括数据源、数据集、数据预处理和数据分析等内容。 数据源:该数据集来自于一个餐饮网站,包含了用户在一段时间内的点...
importpandasaspdimportopenpyxl# 读取Excel文件excel_file=pd.ExcelFile('meal_order_detail.xlsx')# 获取两个sheet页面的数据sheet1_data=excel_file.parse('Sheet1')sheet2_data=excel_file.parse('Sheet2')# 将两个sheet页面的数据纵向堆叠stacked_data=pd.concat([sheet1_data,sheet2_data],axis=0)# 存储...
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Python数据分析练习(一)(餐厅订单分析meal_order_detail) ![在这里插入图片描述]( process=image/watermark,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L2NxeDIwMjA=,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70) ![在这里插入...
Meat and bone meal mill machinery/bone meal factory machine, You can get more details about Meat and bone meal mill machinery/bone meal factory machine from mobile site on
根据文章第一段“You go out for a meal and scan a QR code to order the food, but it asks for your phone number. You go back home and are asked to look into a facial recognition camera. Data collection is everywhere.(你出去吃饭,扫描一个二维码来点食物,但它会询问你的电话号码。你回到家...
You scan a QR code to order the food, but it asks for your phone number. You ride in a taxi, and your addresses (leak). You go back home and are asked to look into a facial recognition camera. Data collection is everywhere. However, the personal information (collect) by companies ...
order/preparationMealComplete 商家确认已完成出餐 GET 使用此接口需要上报真实的出餐状态,不得做自动出餐。企客远距离订单可以通过此接口确认出餐。 系统级参数 请求地址 应用级参数 ...
You scan a QR code to order the food, but it asks for your phone number. You ride in a taxi, and your addresses are leaked. You go back home and are asked to look into a facial recognition camera. Data collection is everywhere.(你出去吃饭。你扫描二维码点餐,但它需要你的电话号码。...