meadowsweet,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“绣线菊属植物”。单词用法 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 meadowsweet /ˈmɛdəʊˌswiːt/ 1.N a Eurasian rosaceous plant, Filipendula ulmaria, with dense heads of small fragrant cream-coloured flowers 绣线菊 → see also dropwort 短语搭配 Japan...
Meadowsweet Plant Medulat (英语) Cryoextracts (英语) DISCLAIMER (英语) 立即创建您的免费账号 放入样品车 联络专家 分享: 类别 Claims & Certifications Categories REACH 产品类型 Categories 植物萃取物 / 衍生物 功能性 Categories 皮肤调理剂 ~ 其它 购买地点 Greentech USA 访问官网 希望在赛百库...
Edit image Meadowsweet Blossom Edit image Meadowsweet Edit image Meadowsweet Filipendula Edit image Meadowsweet Edit image Meadowsweet Mead Wort Edit image Meadowsweet Edit image Meadowsweet Blossom Edit image Flower White Edit image Dropwort Flower Plant Edit image Meadowsweet Shrub Edit image Load more ...
Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a perennial plant found in Europe, temperate Asia and North America. The active ingredient of the meadowsweet is salicylic acid (flowers) and salicylates, with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-fever properties. ...
1.(Plants) a Eurasian rosaceous plant,Filipendula ulmaria,with dense heads of small fragrant cream-coloured flowers. See alsodropwort1 2.(Plants) any of several North American rosaceous plants of the genusSpiraea,having pyramid-shaped sprays of small flowers ...
Host race formation in the meadowsweet and strawberry feeding leaf beetle Galerucella tenella Effect of drying methods on the phenolic constituents of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) and willow (Salix alba) In vitro adventitious shoot regeneration of the medicinal plant meadowsweet ( Filipendula ulmari...
As a plant with tiny and delicate flowers, Japanese meadowsweet is a common species planted for ornamental purposes in flowerbeds, cut flowers and flower baskets. The rosy pink flowers produced by the deciduous, perennial shrub that is native to Japan, China and the DPRK can be foun...
Maxim). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant 45:135-144A. B. Yildirim and A. U. Turker, "In vitro adventitious shoot regeneration of the medicinal plant meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim)," In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biol- ogy, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 135-144, 2009....
Its stem, leaves and flowers have a long history of being used to treat the skin. The plant contains salicylic acid, which is the base for aspirin and is also used in cosmetics to exfoliate the skin and treat acne. Related Products 俏麗佳人頸胸霜身體潤膚乳 緊緻、煥發肌膚光采 4.5 (52) ...
Sunteţi cumva acea Madge Carrigan care face coroniţele cucreţuşcă? opensubtitles2 Meadowsweet Crețușcă eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 See, they usedmeadowsweetfor human sacrifices. Creţuşcaera folosită la sacrificiile umane. ...