Meade 883 Tripod Mount for ETX-125ECrvrrnnr
天文望远镜MEADE米德 专业深空观星摄影拍照自动寻星跟踪ETX125 杭州一路发发跨境电子商务有限公司1年 回头率:10.6% 浙江 杭州市滨江区 ¥580.00成交20个 MEADE米德114DOB道布森天文望远镜深空观天观星儿童学生入门 武汉南嘉光学科技有限公司5年 回头率:12% ...
495-0672 ProStar Deluxe Soft Case f/ETX125EC $139.95 These softsided cases are definitely in the deluxe category (hence the higher than normal prices). Besides the expected features of side and front pouches for eyepieces in bottle cases and handcontrollers and an adjustable shoulder strap, ...
MEADE米德ETX 125全自动寻星天文望远镜专业观星深空高高清高倍 ¥6900.00 本店由百都智享购运营支持 获取底价 成都星天燕科技有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 米德 产地 是 是否进口 否 订货号 209001 结构 单筒望远镜 功能类型 普通望远镜 加工定制 否 仪...
I was told by the Meade agents that the ETX range is no longer sold in the EC configuration, so Meade have "upgraded" all EC models to AT but it was obviously too difficult to rebox them and swap the EC manual for an AT manual :-)---MikeMeade ETX-125 (Brand New!) #6 Kenny20...
发货方式发货地 ミード 天体望遠鏡 ETX-90EC 中古完動品の出品です。目立つ傷等のないきれい清潔な美品です。写真にあります付属品一式が含まれます。オートスターコントローラーの表示画面表面に軽度のこすれがあります。同类商品推荐 【ト長】 Vixen 天体望遠鏡 SUPER POLARIS R130S D130mm F7...
I have here a very clean and perfect-working Meade ETX-125EC storage/carry case. It is complete with all the original foam (unmodified) as well as both keys.These were not cheaply made cases and they were not inclusive equipment.As it sits, the foam is cut to hold...
Evaluates the ETX-125EC Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope from Meade Instruments Corporation. Its features; Advantages; Capabilities; Contact information.SeronikGaryEBSCO_AspSky & Telescope
I debated with myself for a few days. When the ETX90-EC came out I bought one. I ended up selling it after a couple of years and have regretted it. I've always told myself that if I got a replacement, it would be the 105. The last thing I need is another telescope and I wa...
I don't consider the ETX EC 90 a classic. But the moderators have allowed posts concerning it. But tonight I finally put the ETX to the test with fairly steady skies. Very impressed with the sharp views of the moon tonight. Of course no CA issues and very good contrast and details in...