如果Autostar 不 要求设置 Country/State, Cities and Telescope Models,使用 Setup 安装菜单 中的Telescope Model和Site选项来 更改此类信息。更多的信息请参见第 20-22 页。 4 / 34 米德MEADE ETX-125AT 中文使用指南1.0 tangbin_cn@ 您现在可以使用箭头键转动(移动)望远镜上 下、左右。使用箭头键在目镜观测...
米德MEADE ETX 125AT天文望远镜中文使用指南10.pdf,米德MEADE ETX-125AT 中文使用指南1.0 tangbin_cn@ 此指南是网友根据原厂英文说明书和使用经验翻译,仅供天文爱好者参考交流使用,不得作为商业用途和产品销售说明书。欢迎交流 Tangbin_cn@ 1 / 34 米德MEADE ETX-125AT 中
telescope in the Alt Az Home Position and pointed north See the Instruction Manual The Vertical axis home position for all telescopes is with the telescopes tube level declination to 0 The horizontal axis Home Position for ETX telescopes is found by turning the tube counterclockwise until it stops...
Instruction Manual - Meade Instruments - Telescopes Solar 指导手册-米德仪器:望远镜,太阳 热度: 米德MEADE ETX-125AT天文望远镜中文使用指南1.0 热度: 相关推荐 介绍 你的望远镜是一个极好的入门天地两用望远镜,不但可以观测天体,还可以观测野生动物的活动。 警告 •不要直接利用裸眼或者是通过天文望远镜直视太...
Instruction Manual ETX-125AT Astro Telescope 中文说明书 MEADE # / 34 米德MEADE ETX-125A中文使用指南 tangbin_***@ # / 34 米德MEADE ETX-125A中文使用指南 tangbin_***@ Tan gbin_c ***@ 此指南是网友根据原厂英文说明书和使用经验翻译,仅供天文爱好者参考交流使用,不得作为商业用途和产品销售说明...
ETX ® Astro Telescope to look at the Sun! Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye. Eye damage is often painless, so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late. Do not point the telescope or its viewf...
Instruction ManualETX-90AT Astro TelescopeETX-105AT Astro TelescopeETX-125AT Astro TelescopeCONTENTS Quick-Start Guide ...
Great first telescope. Here's the premier website for ETX tips and everything about the ETX line: http://www.weasner.com/etx/menu.html I'm hoping so & from the reviews the optics are very good. The rest we will have to deal with. What I like the most is that it ...
I was just online at the Meade site and downloaded the ETX-125AT manual. What gives with this included EC manual?Anyone? #3 jrcrilly Refractor wienie no more Posts: 36,028 Joined: 30 Apr 2003 Posted 03 May 2005 - 12:18 PM The telescope is the same. The "EC" model was bundl...
米德天文望远镜MEADE ETX90AT105AT125AT官方英文说明书 热度: 1 Instructivo TelescopioAstronómicoETX-60ATconControladordeManoAutostar TelescopioAstronómicoETX-70ATconControladordeManoAutostar ESIMPORTANTELEERESTEMANUALANTESDEUSARSE 2 ¡PELIGRO! ¡NuncautiliceelTelescopioAstronómico ...