SAP导出订单ME80FN如何带着供应商名字?是需要设置布局增加一列吗?但是又找不到是从哪设?SAP 标准...
SAP导出订单ME80FN如何带着供应商名字?是需要设置布局增加一列吗?但是又找不到是从哪设?SAP 标准...
科龙根据发货计划号查找中转仓调拨订单号的方法me80fn.doc,根据发货计划号查找中转仓调拨订单号的方法 根据部分物流专员反映产品送货单上没有SAP订单号,导致因查不到交货单号而不能在系统中做收货操作,现做如下操作,可根据产品送货单上的发货计划号查找到SAP订单号。 命
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition | 2023 FPS03 Release Part 1 in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday Managing Multiple Addresses in SAP S/4HANA For BP & Customer Master in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members Saturday SAP S/4HANA Advanced Returns Management (ARM): ...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hello I had deleted certain PO's , and then when i want to see the deleted PO's , then i go for ME2N and put deletion indicator, in dynamic selection, ok it will show me how much PO's were deleted, But why ME80FN report will not ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi All, I need the report ME80FN to be displyed only for Open GR's, i know this can be reported from ME2N/ME2L with WE101.However,i would like to see the same in ME80FN please tell me what selection i need to use. Thanks...
SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) hi... urgent I want a monthly report in which MIRO and MIGO Documents no.s come. I want to track MIRO document no.s with the MIGO Document No.s for a month. The main purpose is to know out of how many GRNs (migo) done by store, MIRO has ...
SAP ERP Hello, We are on ECC 5.0 release. Is there any way to display the requisitioner field (AFNAM) in ME80FN? Does anyone know of another PO list report where the requisitioner field is displayed or can be configured to display as part of the output?
1,657 SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) What is the difference between MB5S GR/IR list and ME80FN Purchase order history report... I feel both were same...but in MB5S all the PO history i am not getting...Know the ...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) HIIII all, In ME80FN transaction, while running the report to get PO details, I want to limit date range to one month from start date, maximum 35 days. Please guide me with steps to do. Also want to make date field as mandatory, with the...