These are all the exits for the Tcode. LMEDR001 Enhancements to print program LMELA002 Adopt batch no. from shipping notification when posting a GR LMELA010 Inbound shipping notification: Transfer item data from IDOC LMEQR001 User exit for source determination LMEXF001 Conditions in Purchasing D...
Oracle EBS-SQL (PO-15):检查不能审批的PO.sql MM/PP/SD/FICO 模块常用事物码(T-code)、SAP快捷键 MM/PP/SD/FICO MM常用T-CODE MM01 创建一般物料 Create Material – GeneralMM02 修改一般物料 Change MaterialMM03 显示一般物料 Display Materialmm04 显示修改 Display modifyMK01 建立供应商 Create vendor...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility hi all, 1.which is the badi/user exits that is there in me54n and me55...for saving and releasing purchase requisation(s) . 2.which is the badi/user exits that is there in me28 and me29n...for saving and releasing purchase order(s) . point...
SAP MM ME29N 试图取消审批报错 - Document has already been outputed(function not possible) - 今天收到用户的一个问题,说他试图使用ME29N去取消采购订单的审批,系统报错 :Document has already been outputted(function not possible). 项目上,完成审批的采购订单是不允许修改的。 经过研究,解决办法是:ME22...
Solved: hi all, 1.which is the badi/user exits that is there in me54n and me55 ...for saving and releasing purchase requisation(s) . 2.which is the badi/user exits that