i_tcode= sy-tcode.FUNCTIONzmm_badi_item_default.*"---*"*"本地接口:*" IMPORTING*" VALUE(IM_ITEM) TYPE REF TO IF_PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEM_MM OPTIONAL*" VALUE(I_TCODE) TYPE SY-TCODE OPTIONAL*"---DATA:ls_headerTYPEmepoheader, ls_itemTYPEmepoitem, lo_headerTYPEREFTOif_purchase_order_mm...
这次的屏幕增强主要用到两个BADI: ME_GUI_PO_CUST和ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST 这两个BADI都是有例子的, 可以在se18那里按GoTo->Sample code->Display来查看, 也可以直接在SE24查看类CL_EXM_IM_ME_GUI_PO_CUST和CL_EXM_IM_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST 现在我们对PO header加上自己的subscreen, SAP的例子提供的是对item...
After saving we will be informed by the system that our PO is saved with changes. Note: Displaying of purchase orders can be reached through t-codeME23N(orME23– old version). Everything looks and works the same as in change mode except that data isn’t changeable, you can only display...
ME22N执行BDC出错 ME22N这种新的TCODE因为有新的控件在屏幕上,所以执行BDC会出错。 解决办法就是用BAPI或者ME22老TCODE来做。 具体请见http://sapfans.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=272362&view=next&sid=3fe9a01071e5e08614ed42b46beaca50 Hi All, I am using a report to update confirmation control i...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, We are facing a ABAP dump DYNPRO_NOT_FOUND for TCODE:ME22N while Using VL02N,MIR6 after upgrade of system from 4.7 to ECC 6.0. Below are the details : Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors DYNPRO_NOT_FOUND ABAP Program SAPLV45A Appl...
I have used EXIT_SAPMM06E_012 for checking the value, and then EXIT_SAPMM06E_013 to save it. I am filling the Xtable-field with the new value for updation, and I can see the new value in the Xtable when the flow gets past the Exit FM. Yet, it won't save the new value in...
there is a exit EXIT_SAPMM06E_017 for me22n. i have write some code on that include ZXM06U42. Now my requirement is i want to know which line item is changed by user.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Yes you must be doing it based on tcode right now. So you need to move that check based on I_TRTYP/ I_AKTYP. This will have the values based on create/change/display AKTYP = 'H' - create PO AKTYP = 'V' - change PO AKTYP = 'A - Displ...
2012-10-10 08:26 − SAP 中如何寻找增强 方法一、利用TCODE寻找增强(第二代的增强) 执行一个程序(源代码后附),在选择屏幕处输入你所需要增强的程序TCODE,执行後,就会出现一个列表,那里就有关于如何增强这个的绝大部分SMOD增强。 点击进去,自己手动寻找需要的增强。 这是第二代增强 ... 狼升空 0 506...
Solved: I i am doing an upgrade in batch input for transaction MM22 i would like to know if this tcode is valid . and what is MM22N i know is is the same thing but there