astringentism (when your vision is blurred by some sort of acidic chemical in the air) © LJ impressieve (when someone's repeated actions stop being impressive and are starting to become normal) © LJ Zhrusalem (food mecca) [ru] © M ...
It’s especially embarrassing when I’m out in public with the tell-tale wet spot running down my leg. Don’t worry, I’ve still got the Star Trek memes to share. And two in the pink… Just show her your fingers, Spock! I reckon that’s just about enough for today, don’t you...
aThe second period was in the 1920s and 1930s, when the synergy between Western researching methods and traditional Chinese researching methods was created. 第二个周期是在20年代和30年代,当共同作用在西部研究的研究方法的方法和繁体中文之间被创造了。[translate] ...
In Don’t Blame It On The Drugs ( the pain in Jonny’s voice he screams “it’s too late” is absolutely visceral. As he says “It’s easier when everybody else is crazy/Don’t blame me for the hell you’...
I knew, last year, when I took this new job, that this summer would be tough. I knew that having minimal vacation would be a bummer. So really, feel free to skip this whole sad sack post, but I’m writing it anyway. I didn’t miss (too much) the end of school year chaos and...
u made me kuinei #Dailymemes##memeclips##memes##微博喜剧现场##喜剧有梗挑战##30天连更视频挑战赛##爆笑逗你玩#
I wish boredpanda gave notifications when they are doing something like this. I always late to these. 19 reply HooowlAtTheMoon 3 years ago I'm always late too, it's very sad. We can party late together 4 reply Load More Replies... Cadmar Orion 3 years ago I used to have...
“I know. But the words we choose matter, especially when things are feeling delicate. What are some other ways to talk about this?” he asks. “To talk about how you’re feeling?” “There’s really ONLY ONE THING I want to talk about. But guys don’t actually TALK ABOUT THIS STU...
We were on the M1 when the second curve ball hit. There is a specific service station that we usually stop at to stock up on over priced M&S goodies and an even more overpriced Pret sandwich but it seemed that the universe had a different idea this time. I say universe, but what I ...
For every spray we create, we ask ourselves “what is a player saying when they use this?” and how do we make this feel like a VALORANT spray? Or we start with the expression first and ask “how do we express this with a spray?” Some examples of our favorite spray communications/...