It’s especially embarrassing when I’m out in public with the tell-tale wet spot running down my leg. Don’t worry, I’ve still got the Star Trek memes to share. And two in the pink… Just show her your fingers, Spock! I reckon that’s just about enough for today, don’t you...
u made me kuinei #Dailymemes##memeclips##memes##微博喜剧现场##喜剧有梗挑战##30天连更视频挑战赛##爆笑逗你玩#
sobjective (reality that makes some people sad, but not others) © Mfauxsimile © Mmediogre (sub-standard intelligence) © LJdue tea (when you must attend a ceremony) © LJpantry is clearly the place where you store pants © LJ...
In Don’t Blame It On The Drugs ( the pain in Jonny’s voice he screams “it’s too late” is absolutely visceral. As he says “It’s easier when everybody else is crazy/Don’t blame me for the hell you’...
his most recent being whenhe threw a chair off of a roofin May 2024.If he were a black guy who did the exact same thing, I have a strong feeling that a large percentage of Wallen’s fanbase would immediately deem him a worthless thug.But somehow Wallen gets a pass… I cannot be th...
aThe second period was in the 1920s and 1930s, when the synergy between Western researching methods and traditional Chinese researching methods was created. 第二个周期是在20年代和30年代,当共同作用在西部研究的研究方法的方法和繁体中文之间被创造了。[translate] ...
译者应该努力去熟悉翻译中所涉及的两种语言文化。 In when influence translation cultural element various, must correctly process translates the Chinese-adapted factor is not the easy matter.The translator should diligently go to two language cultures which in the familiar translation involves.[translate]...
I knew, last year, when I took this new job, that this summer would be tough. I knew that having minimal vacation would be a bummer. So really, feel free to skip this whole sad sack post, but I’m writing it anyway. I didn’t miss (too much) the end of school year chaos and...
If u loved me💔 #Dailymemes##memeclips##memes##记录美好生活##心动视频大赏##快乐全勤计划##开启夏日新篇章#
attributable to his reliance on memes and TikTok for his worldview. It was clear there was going to be no way to have this conversation productively, but I persisted a little longer as a sad kind of experiment. I once again asked him to cite his sources for this, since it was clear ...