smoke 1.n.a tobacco cigarette; a pipe of tobacco; a cigar.I think I’ll have a smoke now. 2.n.the act of smoking anything smokable, including drugs.I need a smoke—of anything.I’m going to stop here for a smoke. 3.n.methyl alcohol; bad liquor; any liquor.They call it smoke...
Now and then there was the smell of smoke, and the warm rich odor of the barbecue slowly cooking in the pit behind the café. After making the rounds of the town Marvin Macy stopped before Miss Amelia's premises and read the sign above the porch. Then, not hesitating to trespass, he ...
made from me made herself scarce made his choice made his peace made me shudder made me think that i made place for made the best of way made this to decide t made to be together madeleine onne madeline carroll widg madelungs deformity madeproject madge sayers madhushala madinah airport madi...
pacify - fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); "The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia" 14. give - leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?" hand, pass on, turn...
shape a lasting peace shape and size design shape factor shape memory factor shape of head-shoulde shape smoothing shaped arrangement shaped gear shaped insulating ref shaped insulating ref shaped kidney shaped paper shaped products shaped veins shapedarch shapedcharge shapednozzle shapescomcn shapesharer...
everpeace/vagrant-mesos - Spin up your Mesos Cluster with Vagrant! (VirtualBox and AWS) chef-boneyard/knife-container - DEPRECATED: Container support for Chef's Knife Command kitchenplan/kitchenplan - Kitchenplan is a small tool to fully automate the installation and configuration of an OSX work...
Dan’s body just sorta seized up on him. His legs were cramping. He was crabby. He felt so miserable. We had to walk a lot in Central Park and he was not enjoying himself at all. With two miles left, we took the peace offering of a cup of beer from a spectator. Also, my watc...
and I’m at peace, despite the wars I fought. I did my part, carried my weight, rallied my spiritual troops in the cold and dark, getting up to push back against setback. But the ashes of spring have blown away on the breezes, the blizzards, the rainstorms. ...
Pass the pipe pass the j say what's up I'm out peace Me me me and my skate my skate my skate my skate My mate my skate Me me me and my skate my skate My skate my mate in this world of hate After an all out man hunt by local ...
american NDNgirls will fuck all day and all night if you let them. No doubt, I know them inside out literally. I'm Shimmy and I approve this message. #ndngirls forever. Fuck you OJJDP ICAC in Indian Country n_ggers too. 82nd and MacArthur nigga what. Big Smoke remember that name....