BADI:ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST 接口:IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST 需求:创建采购申请时检查每个行项次的采购组是否一致 method if_ex_me_process_req_cust~check. data:lt_items type mmpur_requisition_items, ls_items type mmpur_requisition_item. data:ls_ekgrp type ekgrp, ls_item_data type mereq_item,...
一层层跟下去,调用的时候定义类对象,调用其方法即可 另外:ME53N查看时,点编辑按钮,进入编辑状态,可以在ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST -- open方法中写逻辑 FM内代码: FUNCTION zlm_fm_me52n. *"--- *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(IM_HEADER) TYPE REF TO IF_PURCHASE_REQUISITION OPTIONAL *" EX...
have put the folowing code in CHECK Method METHOD if_ex_me_process_req_cust~check . * DATA i_items TYPE mmpur_requisition_items. DATA: wa_item LIKE LINE OF i_items,
Solved: hi friends , I have problem to get Activity Number (ESLL-SRVPOS) in me_process_req_cust (me51n). DATA item TYPE mereq_item. CALL METHOD im_item->get_data
I created an implementation of the badi ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST in SE19, that was activated. Now, i'm trying to use the PROCESS_ITEM method to validate the value of BEDNR field, to do this i need the value of this field. The parameter IM_ITEM must provide it, this is a reference ...
Di**e"上传873B文件格式txtABAPBADI采购申请 采购申请BADI:ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST 方法:PROCESS_ITEM (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 校导师指导青年教师培养计划.docx 2025-01-10 22:18:28 积分:1 童鞋码数对照表.docx 2025-01-10 22:09:42 积分:1 ...
I am using Badi ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST , method PROCESS_ITEM. The issue I am facing is when I enter material and press enter, it is going to endless loop(i.e. not able to see the output). Can anybody suggest where I am going wrong or if I need to write the logic in some other...
Solved: I've created a custom class to use this BADI interface. Inside this process_header method I get the Purchase Requisition's item data, I now need to read the
data: gs_mereq_itemTYPEmereq_item. 更改custom fields tab 名称, Se38: SAPLXM02->text element 选择change 添加一条记录ID 为111的文本:并保存激活,(不需要 Access Key) 二. BADI enhancement 用来对输入信息报Error message SE19: 创建 enhancement implementation:ZME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST ...