Library Books Patiently Waiting For Me| ? Gifts From Friends/Family I Haven’t Read (the Shame!)| ? Priority Arcs That Are STILL WAITING| 414 Amazon Wishlist Withering Away| ? Library Ebooks I Probably Will Never Get To| 670 *That Rare Audiobook I Might Listen To| I plan to listen to...
February 3, 2025~Leave a comment Goodreads Monday is a really simple weekly meme, hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog, where you choose a book at random from your Goodreads TBR and explain why you want to read it. This meme is also an opportunity to share any progress you have made on yo...
Everyone who is anyone knows I brought The Salty Ju out of a boring celebrity summer retirement for Tay’s new music BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I’VE ONLY BEEN PATIENTLY WAITING 3 YEARS FOR THIS SHIT.Why don’t we break it down piece by piece since there’s CLEARLY nothing else going on in ...
My friend’s first post on this topic following October 7th was not a condemnation of the massacre. It was that meme that is a collage of four maps, that many of us have seen, that paints the picture that since 1947 Palestine has slowly disappeared to be replaced by Israel. He posted ...
As the 20thcentury drew to a close, Dracula finally got access to the Internet, and was forced to admit to the cable representative who installed it that he had no idea how to use it. The cable man rolled his eyes and patiently walked him through the process. As the man was leaving,...