绘本《Me on the MAP我在地图上》,Random House 绘本内容 内容介绍: 跟着小女孩一起环游世界吧!带着自制的简单地图,从她的房间、房子外的街道到居住的城市、国家,由小空间到大空间;再从全世界的地图,找到自己的国家和所在的位置。看看作者如何一步步将复杂抽象的地图语言简化。小朋友也可以自己试试喔!
Bigbook-Me on the Map 722022-11 3 MSBus Arctic Adventure 592022-11 4 Bigbook-Babies in the Bayou 602022-11 5 RAZ-E-32 the leaning tower 862022-11 6 RAZ-E-24 crazy cakes 462022-11 7 RAZ-E-10 the first strawberry 462022-11 8 The sick tree 1442022-10 9 Bigbook-The Story of Mart...
Go to Api Keys tab in the Developer Portal. Select an application or Create a new application. You will find a Primary Key and Secondary Key listed under the application. Click on Copy Key button beside the Primary Key for Power Automate text and paste it to Power Automate PDF4me connectio...
Go to Api Keys tab in the Developer Portal. Select an application or Create a new application. You will find a Primary Key and Secondary Key listed under the application. Click on Copy Key button beside the Primary Key for Power Automate text and paste it to Power Automate PDF4me connectio...
The API documentation can be found here https://dev.pdf4me.com/power-automate/documentation/Supported OperationsConvertToPdf: This action will Convert any office documents to PDF format. CreateImages: This action will create thumbnail for the PDF document. You can specify the page number and get...
The API documentation can be found here https://dev.pdf4me.com/power-automate/documentation/Supported OperationsConvertToPdf: This action will Convert any office documents to PDF format. CreateImages: This action will create thumbnail for the PDF document. You can specify the page number and get...
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