existence of "admin" implies existence of "admax" (the former is when you have adblocker installed, the latter is if you do not) © VAoddmin © Mkoñnibalism (🐴 eating 🐴) [🐴] © Mexistence of "lesson" implies existence of "moreon" © M...
Rationalisierung der meß- und regeltechnischen Normbezeichnungen Eine Anwendung der elektronischen Analog-Rechenmaschine Grundlagen der Reaktordynamik Zur Produktbildung zweier Meßgrößen Aus der Industrie Mitteilungen Schrifttum Diskussion Zeitschriftenschau Editorial Über die echte...
This week's announcement that Olivier Père, former programmer of Cannes's Directors' Fortnight, will be stepping down from his post at the helm of the Festival del Film Locarno marks the end of brief but important era for this film festival, one of the longest-running in the world. In ...
💝GEPT Advanced Level Certificate holder 🌻200+campus speeches, articulate and lively ✈Former flight attendant 🌞Rapidly enhance students’ English abilities 🤟Teach test-taking tactics ✍️Author of TOEIC preparation books 🎨Abundant online interactive learning resources 🔥Help you pass GEPT...
One other person had a part in the story of this café -- he was the former husband of Miss Amelia, a terrible character who returned to the town after a long term in the penitentiary, caused ruin, and then went on his way again. The café has long since been closed, but it is ...
Välj en metadatatyp på den första snabbmenyn i dialogrutan Sök efter detaljer (metadata). På den andra snabbmenyn väljer du ett intervall för sökningen, t.ex. Startar med, Är större än eller Innehåller. Det här intervallet anger för Elements Organizer hur...
"OneFormer: One Transformer to Rule Universal Image Segmentation." CVPR (2023). [paper] [homepage] [code] [2022.11] OVSeg: Feng Liang, Bichen Wu, Xiaoliang Dai, Kunpeng Li, Yinan Zhao, Hang Zhang, Peizhao Zhang, Peter Vajda, Diana Marculescu. "Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mas...
My former supervisor also insists that I should try to contact potential PhD supervisors to consult with them before making a research plan, and that actually they should be the ones that give me a proper topic for my PhD. Is that correct, or are there some cultural differences at play ...
Correlation of the glass former ability with the phase diagram. Variation of Tg and crystallization temperatures as a function of the composition. 4 regions of glasses are characterized by their relations with the phase diagram and their thermal behaviour. A region of sub-liquidus separation of ...