最近的reddit观meme有感: me_irl没有以前好笑了,好像就是自从置顶变成那个“本板块不是一个edgy的版”开始……明明笑话也不一定要offensive才好笑(办公室:你说什么?),按理来说不应该影响什么的,可能是管理层...
This custom-drawn emoji features a golden tooth smiling at the camera and holding up one hand as he’s about to dab someone up, accompanied by text that says “dab me up.”Dab Me Up Emojiis similar toDap Me Up memeand depicts a smiley with a golden tooth and a hand up as if he...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Loading... No more licking the baby I still haven’t gotten a chance to write Mouse’s birth story, because every time I would try to sit down and put that beautiful day into words I wa...
A modified photograph of Gass in a Hooters uniform briefly became a meme during this period. Using the program Photoshop, fans blew up Gass’s breasts and posterior to inhuman proportions, pairing the image with the caption “ME IZ HERE TO BECOME DA HEAD WRITER OF DORPWORLD.” On Reddit, ...
事实上,Reddit已成为散户投资者的中心,讨论股票交易的技巧和想法。这个被称为subreddit的社区是GameStop和其他所谓“抱团股票(meme stock)”兴起的源头,在2021年因GameStop股票一战成名。他们的目标是在对冲基金回补空头头寸时获利,即所谓的轧空。 Reddit自2021年以来一直在考虑首次公开发行,但由于股市的高波动性,上市...
In a very, very short time, these not-so-kid kids will be off doing exactly what we have been building them to do for the past 18 years. Doing exactly what was the end goal of every big and little thing we’ve talked, cried, vented, laughed, hugged, texted, meme-d, and queso ...