a woman who’s not only been my solid rock but has also taken my calls at all hours of the day and night. Likewise, a number of other professionals have been there for me throughout my healing process these last
You can also have a grey for secondary content, and lighter grey for tertiary content.Don't use system default/named colors, too brutal. Soften it a bit. "Never use black" has been proposed as a rule, but this is debated.Here's a more complete primer on color personalities with more ...
As in one of my tracks, "Black Mirror," when the display screen is black, it tells you to see yourself reflected there and to love yourself more. "Say You Love Me" [is] a song about desiring love. On SNS, we care a lot about likes, followers, and w...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction "The mind is a beautiful thing…an invisible universe all to yourself." #daydreaming #escapism #chillout #selfie #reflection #spac...
To those who made a science of breaking down and measuring candidates’ personalities in order to size up their chances, Trump posed a conundrum. Trump has never been “likable,” if likable means “easy to like; pleasing, agreeable,” but some peoplereallylike him. Did his rise spell the...
But other than that, I want nothing to do with them. Knowing this about myself, I started to buy one apple at a time. And at the end of the week, when I finally worked up the motivation to eat that lone apple, I would allow myself to grocery shop once again. Buying one apple ...
Beginning before Halloween and lasting until the New Year, all my self-doubt and -loathing get all twisted up with memories and emotions that have never been settled, never mind with any permanent closure. It doesn’t help that my other personalities have different desires; some (as in Rose...
Some parents disown or stop supporting their children who have left the church. My mother is a lovely, loving person and did not disown me or punish me in some way for leaving, but I hear about this happening in other apostates’ lives and it sickens me. I listened to Godless Rebelutio...
This time, Ah-reum believes that Derek is the one who will suffer and Jin-min guesses, “You must love him very much.” Ah-reum confesses, “I hate him…But I still want to try my best,” and admits it’s because she didn’t try hard enough with Ji-hoon. ...
While this would be wasteful in other countries, here it would not be such a big issue because you actively want to avoid dumping hot air from your home as it hurts the overall environment. Trapping the heat in water is a net positive on the society and on the overall pleasantness of ...