战争雷霆 德国梅塞施密特 Me264 可莉痛机 下载地址:https://live.warthunder.com/post/947350/en/ 这次是真的轰炸机了
In War Thunder, the Me 264 will be a new heavy bomber, coming to rank IV in the German aviation tree with the upcoming update 1.89. Compared to the existing He 177, the Me 264 offers a more ‘slow and steady’ approach, due to its larger size and rather cumbersome flight characteristic...
WAR THUNDER Official Website Store Market WT Live Portal Forum Author Support Program • Theme: System Terms and Conditions Terms of Service Privacy Policy Cookies Policy Contribution Agreement © 2011—2025 Gaijin Games Kft.Aviation Me 262 A-2aV...
Me262大炮燕子,专舔小脆 #战争雷霆国际服 #warthunder #steam - AllenChiu_CN 战争雷霆于20230528发布在抖音,已经收获了34.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
In War Thunder, the Me 264 will be a new heavy bomber, coming to rank IV in the German aviation tree with the upcoming update 1.89. Compared to the existing He 177, the Me 264 offers a more ‘slow and steady’ approach, due to its larger size and rather cumbersome flight characteristic...
a shortage of materials and the specialised metals required to put up with the extreme heat that jet engines produce and the ongoing strategic bombing of the industrial Ruhr valley, the Germans still managed build 100 me262s in 1944. It was too little too late to turn the tide of war. ...
The Me 262 C-1a was a single experimental prototype of a standard Me 262A fighter that was modified with a single Walter HWK 109-509 rocket engine, used in the Me 163 Komet rocket fighter. The engine was put into the tail of the aircraft to enhance the speed of the 262 for intercepti...
战争雷霆Me262A2a历史模式 War Thunder Me 262 A2a ACE 举报 史往今来 关注615 信息 分享: 直播热点 下载APP领会员 直播中 小言儿~ 直播中 丽丽感谢家人宠爱 直播中 悠然~ 千帆直播 人气主播 直播0 小舞想宝宝们了 百变舞姬在线热舞 点击观看 直播0 桃, 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华 点击观看 直播0 安小燃 小...
大佬们有什么办法处理吗 分享8515 战争雷霆吧 西部玉米 【情报组】【版本更新】1.93“鲨袭”War Thunder 1.93 "Shark Attack" - Changelog 战争雷霆 1.93 “鲨袭”-更新列表 简述:标志性的苏联直升机,瑞典空军科技树的加入,一艘V级海军载具,第一架意大利直升机,海战地图-南非,以及很多对现有的载具及游戏机制的...
刚细化的时候吧里很多人尤其是德系或美系的玩家意见很大,其他系的玩家认为这算“德哭”“美哭”。然后对机制的讨论逐渐变成玩家之间的攻击。还有人说什么当初BVVD搞投票的时候是玩家自己投票的。针对这些观点我个人其实是不完全认同的,借这次最新的变动我来说说我的看法。 首先对于方向机细化的机制我是支持的,我玩...