As a fighter/interceptor, the Me 262's main advantages lay in its speed – in level flight, ...
As a fighter/interceptor, the Me 262's main advantages lay in its speed – in level flight, ...
Galland remained critical of using the 262 as a bomber, a role it was not designed to play. He remained firmly convinced that the fighter jet could have been put into combat “at least a year and a half earlier” without Hitler’s interference, “and built in large enough numbers so tha...
The Messerschmitt Me262 was the first jet fighter in the world. Project work had begun at Messerschmitt as early as April 1939 on a new high-speed fighter plane the propulsion of which was to consist of the “turbine jet” system. And on 18thJuly 1942 the Me262 took off on his first ...
The Messerschmitt Me262 was the first jet fighter in the world. Project work had begun at Messerschmitt as early as April 1939 on a new high-speed fighter plane the prop...
The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe (“Swallow”), also called the Sturmvogel (“Stormbird”) in its fighter-bomber version, was the world’s first operational jet fighter. It had the potential to create havoc for the western Allies during World War II. When officials demonstrated the plane to...
26 Jul 1944 Leutnant Alfred Schreiber, flying a Me 262A-1a jet fighter, damaged a Mosquito aircraft crewed by Flight Lieutenant Albert Wall and navigator Albert Lobban No. 544 Squadron RAF. This was the first air-to-air combat involving a jet aircraft. Although the Mosquito aircraft would ult...
This jet fighter excelled in close combat, especially when it came to shooting down the American-made four-engine strategic bombers. Post-war German statistics revealed that the Me-262 shot down a total of 613 Allied aircraft, with the majority being heavy bombers. Although nearly 200 Me-262...
Discussion HET ME-262 Version 2 skydve76 Electric Ducted Fan Jet Talk 24 May 18, 2016 12:52 PM Sold Flying Styro Me-262 Jet fighter ARF Reehoe Electric RC Jets (FS/W) 5 Apr 11, 2012 10:06 PM Sold Tom Cook ME-262 kit & gear inpieces Fuel RC Jets (FS/W) 1 Feb 29, 2012 ...
Model Name:EASY MODEL 1:72 Scale Germany ME262 Jet Fighter Model Simulation Finished Aircraft Model 36406 Collectible Toys Gift Scale:1/72 Model size (for reference only):Dimensions 14.7 centimeters long and 17.3 centimeters wide Model material: plastic ...