Me 262的机动性赶不上P-51战斗机,如果喷气式战斗机的飞行员不够聪明,没有充分利用速度上的巨大优势,...
极速双动力喷气引擎 ..对262不死心的我还是准备慢慢来做 机身已经大致造好了 就差把机翼塞进圆筒里了 然后我就开始了引擎制造 这里其实多亏一个吧友帮忙指导怎么做加力效果 于是 今晚我就学以致用 做了一个双动力引擎 当然就是
However, despite its imperfections, the Me-262 managed to elicit astonishment and fear from the Allied forces. This jet fighter excelled in close combat, especially when it came to shooting down the American-made four-engine strategic bombers. Post-war German statistics revealed that the Me-262 ...
Their most famous product became the Bf 109 but the twin-engined Bf 110 proved itself serviceable throughout the war and the company was also responsible for the world's first operational jet fighter in the turbojet-powered Me 262 "Schwalbe" design. Its engineers did not stop at these well...
谈到击落262,我突然想起YouTube上一个纪录片里的观点蛮应景的。就是,262的油门需要慢慢推(不守规矩一下推上去会有啥后果我也不清楚),具体有多慢呢,看起来手速就比一只大蜗牛快不了多少。所以说262在准备进场的时候如果被敌机逮到了只能说凶多吉少,那些claim 262的飞行员说敌机突然加速爬升逃跑的未免有些制造气氛...
along with other advanced German aircraft for the long journey across the Atlantic. Arriving in New Jersey the aircraft were then flown to Freeman Army Airfield, during the flight a turbine blade broke in the engine of the Me-262 A-1a/U4 and the plane was destroyed in the resulting crashed...
Me 262A-1a/A-2a的主要諸元/性能 Me 262的包线 Me 262的量产数据 Me 262与P-51之间的对比 P...