Reddit Enhancement SuiteCommunity-driven unofficial browser extension for Reddit. https://redditenhancementsuite.comPython Cryptographic AuthorityA group managing the development of most of Python's major cryptographic libraries including pyca/cryptography, pyNaCl, and pyOpenSSL.
The Open Agricultural Technologies and Systems Center at Purdue University works to enhance agricultural innovation in the areas of sensing, control, logistics, analytics, and data management via the catalyzing effects of open source technologies and educational outreach. Our mission leverages and creates... :科技新闻和文章的聚合 Slashdot : 新闻,社会新闻 Stack Share :各公司技术栈共享站点 TechCrunch : 一个科技新闻的站点 The DEV Community : 程序员分享想法和互相帮助的地方 Ars Technica : 发表的独特的精品文章 The Verge : 更多面向产品的科技新闻 XDA :Android开发者新闻 杂志篇 Mi...