Nearly half of the Komet’s weight was fuel. Germany had a number of true geniuses in its employ, not the least of whom was designer-engineer Alexander Lippisch, whose trademark was highly swept wings with only a vertical tail surface (no horizontal stabilizer). Lippisch had first developed t...
Classifieds Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W) Sold CY Model Me-163 Komet ARF NIB >>>CLICK HERE TO SEE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT SCAMMERS<<<Thread Tools This thread is privately moderated by Sessholvlaru, who may elect to delete unwanted replies.Aug 19, 2018, 03:41 PM ...
Me 163 Komet Country Germany Manufacturer Messerschmitt AG Primary Role Jet Fighter Contributor: C. Peter Chen The possibility of using hydrogen peroxide as fuel was discovered before WW2, leading to the theory of a rocket engine. It was not until 1941 when the world's first rocket-based ...
The Messerschmitt Me-163 Komet rocket interceptor outperformed every WWII combat plane...if its pilots lived to fight.
德空T4拯救者:ME..The rocket-powered Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" interceptor came as a nasty surprise to Al
The fuel used to power the Messerschmitt Me163 were dangerous chemicals, pilots wore helmets, boots, gloves, special flight suits that were a gray/green or gray in color and made from PVC-Fibers the suits didn't offer complete protection from the highly concentrated fuel.Sitting in the Komet...
The Me 262 C-1a was a single experimental prototype of a standard Me 262A fighter that was modified with a single Walter HWK 109-509 rocket engine, used in the Me 163 Komet rocket fighter. The engine was put into the tail of the aircraft to enhance the s
人称“诺维”(Nowi)的沃尔特.诺沃特尼(Walter No 分享12赞 战争雷霆吧 空之祝福 德空T4拯救者:ME263/ju248The rocket-powered Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" interceptor came as a nasty surprise to Allied bomber crews and fighter pilots when it was used operationally for the first time in May 1944....
Sold Me-163 ARF by Flyboy Models, NIB TJK Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W) 0 Dec 30, 2020 07:20 AM Build Log FlyBoys Models ME-163 Joespeeder Glow to Electric Conversions 102 Jan 18, 2020 10:20 AM For Sale Flyboy Models ME-163 Komet NIB sagomon Fuel RC Airplanes (FS/W) 0 May 17, ...