Could not parse expression with acorn: $error This error is thrown by our MDX parser. It was introduced in version 2. It occurs when there are matching curly braces that, when interpreting what’s inside them as JavaScript, results in a syntax error. An example is: ...
Version main branch Describe what's wrong It should be fixed, according to the example below. Error message and/or stacktrace How to reproduce N/A Additional context No response brkalow added the support label Dec 12, 2022 Author theaungmyatmoe commented Dec 13, 2022 I did. is just a space char it should work fine, in this case. Contributor brkalow commented Dec...
5, offset: 4 }, reason: 'Could not parse expression with acorn', ruleId: 'acorn', source: 'micromark-extension-mdx-expression', url: ''...
Could not parse expression with acorn: Unexpected content after expression— 当花括号中的表达式过多时会发生这种情况 有关更多错误以及如何解决它们,请参阅 MDX v2 故障排除指南。 ESM 支持的迁移问题 如果您在将 MDX v2 与特定工具集成时遇到问题,这很可能是由于 MDX v2 ESM 支持所致。与 MDX v1 不同,...
Couldnotparse expressionwithacorn:Unexpectedcontent after expression— This occurs when there is too much expression in a curly brace SeeMDX v2 Troubleshooting guidefor more errors and how to solve them. Migration issues with ESM support If you are having problems integrating MDX v2 with a specific...
MDX document to parse (string,Bufferin UTF-8,vfile, or anything that can be given tovfile). Example import{VFile}from'vfile'import{compile}from'xdm'awaitcompile(':)')awaitcompile(Buffer.from(':-)'))awaitcompile({path:'path/to/file.mdx',value:'?'})awaitcompile(newVFile({pat...
Could not parse expression with acorn: Unterminated template Or perhaps this is an intentional breaking change in MDXv2? Runtime No response Package manager No response OS No response Build and bundle tools No response shilmanchanged the titleCould not parse expression with acorn: Unterminated templat...
Note that ironically our home pages are (afaik) the only MDX pages we have that use Expression statements, and technically we could change our MDX sources to simply not do that; But then we are pretty much hiding ourselves on a partial Evaluater implementation and any time that we need to...