Building Next.js Fullstack Blog with TypeScript, Shadcn/ui, MDX, Prisma and Vercel Postgres. Finished Code: 📝 主要特点: - MDX 和 Markdown 支持:享受用 MDX 和 Markdown 编写博客文章的灵活性,将两全其...
MDX is a powerful combination of Markdown and React components that allows you to create dynamic and interactive content. This makes it the perfect markup language for creating a blog. Next.js natively supports MDX, so let’s use both and create an MDX Next.js TypeScript blog! At the end...
On my blog, I use frontmatter. Frontmatter is a Markdown addon that lets us define key-value pairs at the top of the document. Here's what this post looks like: Copy to clipboard --- title: How I Built My Blog seoTitle: How I Built my Blog using MDX, Next.js, and React abstr...
在Next.js中,MDX语法可以与MDX插件一起使用,以便在应用中解析和渲染MDX文件。MDX插件可以通过配置文件或Next.js的插件系统进行安装和配置。 然而,MDX语法突出显示在Next.js中可能不起作用的原因可能有以下几点: 缺少MDX插件:如果没有正确安装和配置MDX插件,Next.js将无法解析和渲染MDX文件中的React组件。确保在Next....
* @example * ```tsx * "My Blog" * * ``` */ applicationName?: null | string; /** * The authors of the document. * @example * ```tsx * [{ name: "Next.js Team", url: "" }] * * * * ``` */ authors?: null | Author | Array<Author>; /**...
components pages posts another-post-in-the-wall.mdx example-post.mdx hello-world.mdx one-more-post.mdx test-post.mdx styles utils .gitignore netlify.toml package.json postcss.config.js tailwind.config.js themes.js yarn.lockBreadcrumbs nextjs-blog-theme /posts / test-post.mdx Late...
In this guide, Ibrahima Ndaw will be looking at Next.js, a popular React framework that offers a great developer experience and ships with all of the features you need for production. We will also build a blog, step by step, using Next.js and MDX. Finall
Render MDX From A CMS In Next.js With Next-mdx-remote To render the MDX, we need to perform two steps: For the build-time processing of MDX, we need to render the MDX to a string. This will turn the Markdown into HTML and ensure that the React components are executable. This is ...
Nextra, Next.js, MDX技术, 静态网站, 代码示例 一、Nextra概述 1.1 Nextra简介 Nextra,作为一款新兴的静态网站生成器,凭借其对Next.js框架与MDX技术的完美融合,在众多同类工具中脱颖而出。它不仅继承了Next.js的所有优点,如服务器端渲染、优化的性能表现以及良好的SEO支持,还进一步拓展了MDX技术的应用范围,使得即...