P4自带的系统文件 data一般是系统数据文件 占不了多大空间。最好别删除。你这应该也是系统数据 具体作用那得专家来分析拉~~~
The MDT database is by default created and managed from the Deployment Workbench. In these steps, we assume you have installed SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express on MDT01. 备注 Since SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express runs by default on a separate instance (SQLEXPRESS), the ...
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Querying the MDT database using a custom model This seems to be a frequent question that comes up: “I am working with PCs from <vendor> that have model strings that frequently change, although the first part is always consistent. How can I use these models with the MDT database without...
data-MDT---用于高带宽源流量穿过P网络到达感兴趣的PE路由器。它避免将不必要的客户组播流量泛洪到组播域中所有的PE路由器。 可能这里描述的不是太清楚.这样说吧,如果拿密集模式来做为示例,组播源每三分钟把流量发送到组播客户端,如果客户端B没有接收端,那么客户端的路由器会发送一个剪枝消息给源,这个时候组播...
UE进入IDLE态后,开始采集logged data(含PLMN、Serving / NgbrCell、Carrier Freq、PCI/RSRP/RSRQ、Location info等),等UE重新进入连接态后,UE通过RRC Connection Setup Complete(包含logMeasurAvaliable-r10 true)表示储存有logged data;然后基站下发UE information Request要求UE上报logged data;UE通过UE information ...
Method and apparatus for use in MDT data collectionAccording to an embodiment there is provided a method comprising; collecting a first type of measurement and a second type of measurement, said first and second types of measurement being used together by an entity; and causing values of said ...
3) 传感器数据 (Data generated by sensors): 卫星数据,GPS 定位数据,车辆轨迹,个人运动轨迹等。 MDT 量数生态中的量数 AI 即是 “商业过程数据” 类的另类数据提供商。目前,其生态中拥有三款自有手机应用数据源: MailTime 简信,魔晶,Email Messenger,在全球累积拥有千万用户,并与一线手机厂商达成预装合作。其中...