右键点击某个步骤(如“Install Operating System”之后),选择“Add” > “General” > “Run Command Line”。 配置“Run Command Line”步骤的属性,例如: Name:自定义步骤名称(例如“Configure Network Settings”)。 Command Line:输入命令行(例如netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 1...
部署共享的根文件夹是使用标准Windows PowerShell cmdlet 创建和共享的,并且调用 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 类命令。 部署共享是使用 MDTProvider Windows PowerShell 提供程序和 NewPSDrive cmdlet 填充的。 MDTProvider Windows PowerShell 驱动器使用 Add-MDTPersistentDrive cmdlet 持久保存。
[Settings] Priority=Default Properties=MyCustomProperty [Default] OSInstall=Y UDShare=\\WDG-MDT-01\UserStateCapture$ UDDir=%OSDCOMPUTERNAME% UserDataLocation=NETWORK SkipCapture=NO SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipProductKey=YES 在“属性”对话框中,单击“确定”。 关闭所有打开的窗口和对话框。 步骤4:为部...
Add-MDTPersistentDrive本節說明 Add-MDTPersistentDriveWindows PowerShell Cmdlet。 從已載入 MDT PowerShell 嵌入式管理單元的 Windows PowerShell 主控台執行此 Cmdlet。 For more information on how to start a Windows PowerShell console that has the MDT PowerShell snap-in loaded, see "Loading the MDT ...
This setting can be disabled by using Server Manager (Local Server/Properties).On MDT01, ensure that you're signed in as an administrator in the CONTOSO domain. For the purposes of this guide, we're using a Domain Admin account of administrator with a password of ...
DomainAdmin=ServiceAccount DomainAdminDomain=yourdomainname.local DomainAdminPassword=P@$$WoRD12345! It’s that easy. By default, the system gets joined to domain immediately and on first boot, it’s joined and ready to rock so it’ll grab group policies almost immediately. If you don’t ha...
You can also run the .exe and it will self-extract files to the %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX0 directory. This directory is temporary and will be deleted when the .exe terminates. Using File Explorer, create the D:\Drivers\WinPE x64\Intel PRO1000 folder. Copy the content of...
Admin Password:Do not specify an Administrator password at this time Summary: SelectNext Confirmation: SelectFinish Edit the task sequence to add the Microsoft NET Framework 3.5, which is required by many applications. To edit the task sequence, double-clickWindows 10 Enterprise x64 Default Imageth...
8、如果无特殊情况,一定要将/var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default 默认启动项设置为local 9、CentOS6也出现了上图的问题:you have specified that the group base should be installed,解决方法:参考: https://www.fangc.xyz/detail/pxean-zhuang-you-have-specifie/ ,但是,这个报了个小错误(报这个错误的...
He is a Device Management Admin with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a Blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. He writes about...