来那度胺(LEN)作为一种免疫调节剂,能够使60%~70%的低危MDS患者摆脱对红血球输注的依赖,实现红血球输注独立(RBC-TI)。MDS del(5q)患者对LEN产生反应后持续用药直至发生疾病进展或出现治疗失败是目前的推荐治疗方案,然而,关于LEN的最佳治...
Among the multiple morphological subtypes, MDS with deletion of chromosome 5q (del(5q)) is of particular interest because of its distinct hematologic phenotype and exceptional therapeutic sensitivity to lenalidomide. Instead of homozygous inactivation, haploinsufficiency is sufficient to account for much ...
MDS伴del(5q)的典型表现是巨核细胞单分叶或低分叶核。细胞核间桥通常伴随着基因缺失或增加,比较罕见,但发生于MDS各型,包括del(5q)。 医博士编译自:Xu Z & McGowan-Jordan J. MDS with isolated del(5q) and internuclear bridging. Blood. 2017; 129(16):2333, doi:10.1182/blood-2016-11-752204....
WHO关于MDS的分为:难治性贫血、环状铁粒幼细胞性难治性贫血、难治性血细胞减少伴多系病态造血、原始细胞过多性难治性贫血、MDS不能分类和5q-综合症,有关血液学特点分述如下。 1.难治性贫血(PA)血象显示只有贫血,常为正细胞正色性或为正色性大细 ...
ScienceDirect is phasing out support for older versions of Internet Explorer on Jan 12, 2016. For the best product experience, we recommend you upgrade to a newer version of IE or use a different browser: Firefox or Chrome. For additional information please see the ScienceDirect Blog page. ...
Clinical, morphological, cytogenetic, and prognostic features of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and del(5q) including band q31 染色体, 人, 5对骨髓增生异常综合征We analyzed data of 76 consecutive patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and isolated del(5q) (n=66) or del(... AAN ...
-7/del(7q);del(5q);(i17q) /t(17p);-13/del(13q);del(11q);del(12p)/t (12p);del(9q);idic(X)(q13).②平衡染色体异 常:(t11;16)(q23.3;p13.3);(t3;21)(q26.2;q22.1); (t1;3)(p36.3;q21.2);(t2;11)(p21;q23.3);inv (3)(q21.3;q26.2)/t(3;3)(q21.3;q26.2);(t6...