Transmission of multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa between two flexible ureteroscopes and an outbreak of urinary tract infection: the fragility of endoscope decontamination. J Hosp Infect. 2019;102:89e94. 16. Tumbare...
schülke has been facing this challenge for more than a century.Our approach: prevention is better than infection!Our universal decontamination strategies have been scientifically researched and proven. A targeted and universal decontamination, both of intensive care patients and patients before surgery, a...
schülke has been facing this challenge for more than a century.Our approach: prevention is better than infection!Our universal decontamination strategies have been scientifically researched and proven. A targeted and universal decontamination, both of intensive care patients and patients before surgery, a...
15. Kumarage J, Khonyongwa K, Khan A, et al. Transmission of multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa between two flexible ureteroscopes and an outbreak of urinary tract infection: the fragility of endoscope decontamination. J Hosp Infect. 2019;102:89e94. 16. Tumbarello M, Spanu T, Sa...