HIFI耳机云试听体验 T9ie Xelento U18T N5005 Z1R 2609 【限定版】买耳机“送老婆” 这可能是3000元最为均衡无短板的单动圈 直推小新HIFI耳机Tri-Review 云试听部分 2011 【之路 前端篇I-2】1000的耳机 手机直推和播放器有差距吗?IE40IE80sIE800 魅族解码线 VS SP2000 VS Hugo2+Wa8 ...
✔Sony MDR-Z1R This type of device allows you to listen at lower volume levels, causing less ear fatigue as you don't have to crank up the volume to overcome background noise. Ideal for plane rides and morning commutes. lowest frequency ...
✔Sony MDR-Z1R ✔Sony MDR-Z7M2 With a detachable cable you can use alternative cables, and if the cable is pulled it will pop out instead of breaking. water resistance Unknown. Help us by suggesting a value. (Sony MDR-Z1R)
Fearghast, 09 Oct 2023MDR-Z1R are considered as one of the worst technically made headphones, with incredibly incons...moreI'd call neither the WH-1000XM5 nor the Anker Life Q30 particularly good. Both are too bassy and not that balanced, the Anker wins purely because it's cheaper, so ...
5based on 3 customer reviews New sound quality Excellent Design Excellent Ease of Use Excellent Please note: Some product variations and/or features mentioned within Product Reviews may not be available in all countries/regions. Comfortable and great sound ...
我最早使用的是 MDR-Z1000,這只耳機不簡單,在 MDR-Z1R 推出之前, MDR-Z1000 可說是頂天的耳罩式耳機,而且相當堅固,用了十多年,只有耳罩表面有些脫皮,只好幫它穿上彈性外衣,至於 MDR-7506,聽過幾次,總覺得音色比較硬派,一直沒買,可是 MDR-M1ST 台灣索尼又沒進,只好去日本亞馬遜買,確實比 MDR-7506 聽...
右边的耳机集中了充电口、调节音量键、(开机键、暂停播放键、接听挂断电话键)。 其实我真不是一个喜欢听歌的人,有没有啥歌推荐推荐啊。。。 说一说优点: 1、索尼 加持!!!运动,防水,顺带解决了iPhone听歌问题。 2、没有 3、真的没有 。。。 你让我找优点,...
SONY 索尼 MDR-Z1R 耳罩式头戴式有线耳机 黑色 3.5mm 9489元(需用券) 天猫精选 10-17 09:13 1 2 SONY 索尼 MDR-Z7M2 耳罩式头戴式有线耳机 3289元(需用券) 天猫精选 10-10 11:47 0 2 VIKEN 维肯 蓝牙头戴式耳机音乐无线手机电脑pc电竞游戏运动隔音适用华为苹果索尼 179元(需用券) 京...
SONY 索尼 MDR-Z1R 耳罩式头戴式有线耳机 黑色 3.5mm 9489元(需用券) 天猫精选 10-17 09:13 1 2 88VIP:SONY 索尼 WH-CH520 耳罩式头戴式动圈蓝牙耳机 288.8元 天猫超市 1小时前 0 0 SONY 索尼 WH-CH520 耳罩式头戴式动圈蓝牙耳机 米色 259元 京东 3小时前 0 0 SONY 索尼 WH-CH520 ...
Fearghast, 09 Oct 2023MDR-Z1R are considered as one of the worst technically made... moreI'd call neither the WH-1000XM5 nor the Anker Life Q30 particularly good. Both are too bassy and not that balanced, the Anker wins purely because it's cheaper, so it has an excuse. But yeah, ...