Hi, I have been submitting my paper at Sustainability MDPI and the status is under review. In the middle of the process, I need to remove one of the corresponding authors due to exceeding the maximum of corresponding by the Journal. Could you please explain how the procedure or what should...
The authors’ instructions detail the information needed throughout the whole MDPI submission process. They also provide the specific rules of the journal. Another important aspect of the authors’ page is that it provides a template for manuscripts based on the journal’s specific layout guidelines....
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability Take LaTeX coding weight off your shoulders!Docx2LaTeX converter automatically generates100% compliant LaTeX code to this template's guidelines. Convert Word to LaTeX using this template now Don't have a manuscript ready yet?Start writing in Google ...
Inside this template folder is “template.tex” (the template file where the paper is typeset) and a subfolder “Definitions”, which contains files required for typesetting (class file, logos, bibliography style files, and further definitions)....