Please also check and improve the list of references in accordance with the requirements of the journal.Authors are requested to prepare a revised version of their manuscript as soon as possible. This may ensure fast publication if an article is finally accepted.Thank you for submitting your work... Advances in Forest Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning We present two improvements for laser-based forest inventory. The first improvement is based on using last pulse data for tree detection. When trees overlap, the surface model between the trees corresponding... Reply to "Comment on the 'Ground Water Chemistry Changes before Major Earthquakes and Possible Effects on Animals', by We fully agree with Dr. Vassiliki Katsika-Tsigourakou that there is more than one possible explanation for the wide range of electromagnetic (EM) ...
主页: 分享: Displaying 201- 244 out of 244 articles 1|2|3|4|5| Page./5Go Aquatic Hemiptera in Southwest Cameroon: Biodiversity of Potential Reservoirs of Mycobacterium ulcerans and Multiple Wolbachia Sequence Types Revealed by Metagenomics ...
Biomaterialsstands at 4.8. It has, in total, published 1450 papers, of which an impressive 376 have been cited 10 or more times. Throughout 2024, theJournal of Functional Biomaterialswill continue to publish and promote research that aims to bolster our understanding of materials for biomedical ...
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论文--期刊/会议论文 文档标签: Insects2013OPENACCESSinsects-MDPI 系统标签: insectsmdpimicrogastrinaebraconidaeopenpyrenees Insects2013,4,493-505;doi:10.3390/insects4030493 insects ISSN2075-4450 .mdpi/journal/insects/ Article Microgastrinae(Hymenoptera:Braconidae)intheForestState ofArtikutza(Navarra:Spain):...
If it meets the journal's standards and criteria, the manuscript is accepted for publication. MDPI ensures a quick publication process, significantly reducing the waiting time for authors. Once accepted, the manuscript is meticulously formatted and typeset, readyfor online publication. This streamlined...