Visit Sign up for email or text alerts about traffic and road conditions, and customize alerts according to your daily commute. View live traffic feeds via cameras along major highways across the state. Sign up Now! Download Designed as a mobile companion for is the MDOT Tra...
Although MDOT has 300 cameras on Metro Detroit freeways, they cannot monitor all of them at once. "We do have people that are constantly watching cameras, moving cameras around because our wall of cameras do not hold all 300 at the same time," said Diane Cross, MDOT Cross, an MD...
The article offers information on the use of MDOT camera system at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit, Michigan. The system is tied into the Michigan Department of Transportation's network of traffic cameras, and there is a live MDOT chatroom that brings together Palace traffic staff with...
Traffic Map of Puget Sound WA With Many Web Cameras (Updated Every 1.5 Minutes) Virtual (Beta): Zoomable North American Maps and Satellite Views of Address-Based (Yellow Pages) Search Topics Including Self-Location World Maps and Attributes Download...