🤝 Be part of MDN Web Docs You can be part of MDN Web Docs, whether it be through ✍️ content contributions, ⚙️ engineering, or↔️translation work. The MDN Web Docs project welcomes contributions from everyone who shares our goals and wants to contribute constructively and resp...
The content behind MDN Web Docs. Contribute to mdn/content development by creating an account on GitHub.
The MDN Web Docs site provides information about Open Web technologies including HTML, CSS, and APIs for both Web sites and progressive web apps.
MDN Web Docs, previously known as the Mozilla Developer Network, is one of the best documentation sources for web development around. It's a fantastic resource for learning everything from new CSS properties to the latest APIs for Chrome extensions, and now the site has a brand new look and...
MDN Web Docs, previously known as the Mozilla Developer Network, is one of the most popular sources for documentation on web standards. The website is a great resource for everything from Chrome extensions to the latest JavaScript APIs, and earlier this month,Mozilla revealed a paid subscription...
了解更多并加入 MDN Web Docs 社区。 this Baseline Widely available This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015. Learn more See full compatibility Report feedback 与其他语言相比,函数的 this 关键字在...
了解更多并加入 MDN Web Docs 社区。 函数 上一页 下一页 函数是 JavaScript 中的基本组件之一。JavaScript 中的函数类似于过程——一组执行任务或计算值的语句。但要成为函数,这个过程应该接受输入并返回与输入存在某些明显关系的输出。要使用一个函数,你必须将其定义在你希望调用它的作用域内。 参见JavaScript ...
The API is down for maintenance. You can continue to browse the MDN Web Docs, but MDN Plus and Search might not be available. Thank you for your patience! References CSS @page English (US) @page Baseline 2024 * Newly available Since December 2024, this feature works across the latest dev...
The API is down for maintenance. You can continue to browse the MDN Web Docs, but MDN Plus and Search might not be available. Thank you for your patience! References CSS writing-mode English (US) writing-mode Baseline Widely available * This feature is well established and works across many...
In HTML, the doctype is the required <!doctype html> preamble found at the top of all documents. Its sole purpose is to prevent a browser from switching into so-called "quirks mode" when rendering a document; that is, the <!doctype html> doctype ensures