The text-justify CSS property sets what type of justification should be applied to text when text-align: justify; is set on an element.
The text-justify CSS property sets what type of justification should be applied to text when text-align: justify; is set on an element.
The text-justify CSS property sets what type of justification should be applied to text when text-align: justify; is set on an element.
text-align:align意思是排列。可用的值有left(左对齐)、right、center和justify(改变单词之间的距离,使所有文本行的宽度相同且达到最大。你需要仔细使用,它可以看起来很可怕如果你要使用这个,你也应该考虑一起使用别的东西,比如 hyphens(连字符)属性)。 line-height:推荐的行高是1.5到2。 letter-spacing 和 word-s...
text-align 内容对齐。 可以使用下面几个值: left, right, center, justify。 text-indent 指定内容缩进。 这两个属性可以应用于任何文本类内容,不只是纯文本。 需要注意的是,它们会被元素的子元素继承, 所以需要在子元素中将它们关闭,以免出现意想不到的效果。 示例 标题居中: h3 { border-top: 1px solid ...
若要实现与left,center,right或justify相同的效果: 不要为一个元素选择器设置text-align属性.,因为元素并不是元素的后代,不继承于它。 如果表格不使用colspan属性,每列用一个td:nth-child(an+b)的 CSS 选择器,a 是表格中列的总数,b 是当前列在表格中的位列次序号。只有在这个选择器之后,text-align属性可以...
Full support Full support No support No support See also Learn to style HTML using CSS Related CSS properties: text-justify text-orientation text-overflow text-rendering text-transform hanging-punctuation CSS Text DecorationCSS module CSS Text module...
The possible enumerated values are left, center, right, justify, and char. When supported, the char value aligns the textual content on the character defined in the char attribute and on offset defined by the charoff attribute. Use the text-align CSS property instead, as this attribute is ...
The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. It also can help improve legibility for ruby.
important; justify-content: space-between; } td, th { border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 5px 12px; text-align: left; flex: 1; &:nth-of-type(6) { flex: 2; } } } div a { display: inline-block; padding: 12px 16px; background-color: blue; border-radius: 15px; color: white...