例如,target='_blank'将在新标签页中显示链接。如果你希望在目前标签页显示链接,只需忽略这个属性。 disabled(布尔属性):标记表单输入使之变为不可用。 name(<meta>元素可用):指定meta元素的类型,说明该元素包含了什么类型的信息。 content(<meta>元素用):指定实际的元数据内容。 rel:即relationship。<link>元素的...
:link、:right、:visited(IE8良好支持,3.5基本支持) IE9: :checked、:disabled、:empty、:enabled、:first-of-type、:indeterminate(仅checkbox)、:last-type、:not()(支持一般用法)、:nth-child(an+b)、:nth-last-child、:nth-last-of-type、:nth-of-type、:only-child、::only-of-type、:root、:targ...
The <target> data type includes three target functions, <target-counter()>, <target-counters()>, and <target-text()> that create cross-references obtained from the target end of a link. See Formal syntax. <leader()> The <leader()> data type includes a leader function: leader( <leader...
The :target CSS pseudo-class represents a unique element (the target element) with an id matching the URL's fragment.
HTML 中的元素拥有属性(attribute);这些额外的值可以配置元素或者以各种方式来调整元素的行为,进而满足用户所需的标准。
Learn about the HTMLLinkElement interface, including its properties and methods, specifications and browser compatibility.
String.prototype.link() 以前翻译过但现在没有与最新的英文文档保持同步(英文文档更新于 463 天前)。 我来译! String.prototype.localeCompare() 以前翻译过但现在没有与最新的英文文档保持同步(英文文档更新于 176 天前)。 我来译! String.prototype.match() 以前翻译过但现在没有与最新的英文文档保持同步(英文...
The <link> HTML element specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource. This element is most commonly used to link to stylesheets, but is also used to establish site icons (both "favicon" style icons and icons for the hom
If you'd like to make or suggest a change to the content of the browser compatibility table on any given MDN document page, you can either use the Report problems with this data on GitHub link in the upper-right corner of the table on the page itself to create an issue, or go to ...
WithTargetNamespace IntegrationAccountSchemaListResult IntegrationAccountSchemas IntegrationAccountSession IntegrationAccountSession.Definition IntegrationAccountSession.DefinitionStages IntegrationAccountSession.DefinitionStages.Blank IntegrationAccountSession.DefinitionStages.WithContent IntegrationAccountSession.DefinitionStages....